
France probes suspected poisoning of journalist who staged Russia TV protest

AFP - [email protected]
France probes suspected poisoning of journalist who staged Russia TV protest
Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova and executive director of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Christophe Deloire give a press conference at RSF in Paris on February 10, 2023. Photo by JOEL SAGET / AFP

French prosecutors have opened a probe into the suspected poisoning in France of exiled Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova who brandished an anti-war slogan on state TV after Moscow invaded Ukraine last year.


The journalist, now living in France, felt unwell when she opened the door to her apartment in the centre of Paris and noticed a powder substance, according to a source close to the investigation who asked not to be named.

Another source said the journalist told investigators she had been poisoned by Russians and samples were taken at her home. But a third source added that "at this stage" there was no element pointing towards a poisoning.

Ovsyannikova, who fled Russia in October 2022, held up a protest placard during the main evening news programme on Russia's Channel One in March 2022.


She was this month sentenced in absentia to eight years in prison in Russia for a separate protest she made outside the Kremlin four months later.

Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) secretary general Christophe Deloire wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that Ovsyannikova had felt unwell in the street early in the morning and had since been supported by an RSF team.

"The Paris prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into suspected poisoning," he confirmed, adding: "No particular elements at this stage. We will keep you informed."



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