
Paris Olympics Guide For Members

Paris Olympics QR codes - your questions answered

Emma Pearson
Emma Pearson - [email protected]
Paris Olympics QR codes - your questions answered
Some areas of Paris will be restricted during the Olympics. Photo: AFP

The somewhat complicated regulations about who will need a security QR code in Paris during the Olympic and Paralympic Games have left a lot of people confused. Here we answer the most common questions about the rules and the security restrictions in the French capital.


During the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in Paris this summer a massive security operation will be in place, and one part of this is the necessity for QR codes to enter certain parts of the city at certain times.

The system itself is somewhat complex - you can read a full explanation of how it works, with maps, HERE

Here we answer some of the most commonly-asked questions about the system.

Will I need a QR code to go to an Olympic or Paralympic event?

No - security zones extend around the Games venues, but in order to enter you will need to show either a QR code or a ticket. You will, however, also need ID to enter the security zone. 

However, an event ticket is not an access-all-areas pass - for example you would not be able to show a ticket for an event the following week at Versailles in order to enter the security zone alongside the River Seine in central Paris. The ticket gives you entry to a specific area at a specific time.


Hopefully this goes without saying, but you will need a ticket to enter an Olympic or Paralympic event unless you have been accredited by Games organisers (eg a journalist, Games volunteer or a member of an international delegation).

Tickets must be bought in advance via the official ticketing site or the Paris 2024 resale site - there are no third-party platforms (eg Viagogo or Ticketmaster) that are authorised to sell tickets so be extremely cautious of any tickets offered on non-official sites.

Will I need a QR code to access central Paris? 

No, not for most of the city. The security zones are in defined areas and cover a relatively small part of the capital. You will only need a code if you need to access an area that is within the security zones and crucially only on the relevant dates (see below).

The easiest way to figure out whether you will need a code or not is to head to the official Games site Anticiper Les Jeux, then enter the exact street address that you need to access, plus the dates that you want to go. The site (which is available in English) will then tell you whether you need a code or not.


When are the codes in operation?

The period of July 18th to September 8th is when you may potentially need a code - any visits outside this period will not be affected by Games security measures.

However it is important to point out that there are two distinct phases to the security operation.

July 18th - July 26th (inclusive) - this is phase one, the day of the Opening Ceremony and the days leading up to it. This has by far the most restrictive security measures and this is when large areas along the banks of the River Seine (and the Île de la Cité) are covered by the security zone. Only the grey areas require a QR code to enter.

Security zones during phase 1 of the Olympics security operation. Map: Paris police

July 27th - September 8th - phase two. Once the opening ceremony is over, the security zones are scaled back and the banks of the Seine and surrounding areas will once again be freely accessible. In phase two the security zones are largely confined to the areas immediately around the Games venues.

Only grey areas will require a QR code or a ticket to enter.

Security zones during phase 2. Map: Paris police

Once the Olympics are over on August 11th most of the security zones will be relaxed during the two-week break between the Olympics and Paralympics, starting up again on August 28th for the start of the Paralympics.


Will I need one if I am staying in a hotel or Airbnb in the security zone?

If you are staying in a hotel, Airbnb or holiday rental that is within the security zones on the relevant dates then yes, you will need a QR code. This also applies if you are staying with friends who live inside the security zone.

When you are applying for the code you tick the category for 'resident' (hotel guests and others count as temporary residents) and will then be asked to upload proof of your reservation.

Does it make a difference if I am driving or on foot?

Yes, the security zones are divided into three - SILT zone (marked grey on the map), red zone and blue zone.

The SILT zone is about controlling who enters so everyone will need a code to enter this area regardless of how they are travelling - driving, on foot, cycling or a passenger in a taxi.

The red and blue zones are about controlling traffic, not people. Those travelling on foot or bike can freely enter these zones and do not need a QR code. This includes people who are travelling as a passenger in a taxi or Uber, although the driver must have registered their car in advance in order to be able to enter - so make sure you clarify in advance with the driver whether they are able to enter the area that you need to go to.

People who want to drive in these areas will need a QR code for their vehicle - obtained on the same site as personal QR codes.

In the red zone only essential vehicles are allowed; residents, emergency vehicles or people visiting a sick or vulnerable person who lives within the zone.

In the blue zone the above vehicles are allowed plus those who have a legitimate reason for being there including delivery drivers and taxi or Uber drivers. 


Can I visit friends who live in the security zone?

Yes, although you will need to request the QR code in advance, and will need to supply the name and address of the person that you want to visit, the date that you intend to visit and proof of their address.

If you're lucky enough to have a friend who has a river-side apartment with a view of the route for the opening ceremony then it's probably worth getting the pass, for casual visits it might be easier to meet elsewhere or wait until the restrictions are lifted (remember that the biggest security zone is only in place for a week).

What if I work inside the security zone?

You will need to apply in advance for the QR code, providing details of your work. If you are an employee, your employers should organise this - or they may decide that you can simply work remotely for the relevant period, depending on your type of work.

Can I go to bars or just for a walk through the security zone?

If you want to visit the security zone you will need to apply in advance for the QR code, and you will need to supply a reason for your visit.

The categories listed are; visiting a person who lives within the security zone; attending an appointment within the security zone (examples given include tickets for a museum, a restaurant reservation or an appointment with a hairdresser); an appointment with a healthcare professional inside the security zone; a summons to a judicial or administrative appointment (eg if you have a court hearing or an appointment at the préfecture); visit at the request of a government official (this is mostly for people who work within French government organisations); or other.

If you tick the 'other' category you will need to provide a reason and supporting documents.


As part of the process, you will be expected to upload supporting documents such as confirmation of a reservation at a restaurant or an appointment with your doctor.

So if you've booked in advance at a restaurant you can still go (provided the restaurant chooses to stay open during the security period, it's worth checking their website in advance) but more casual visits like popping into a bar or going for a walk will not be possible.

How do I get the code?

Getting the code is relatively straightforward - head to the Pass Jeux website and if necessary change the language into English. You then fill out the form with your personal details and the reason that you need the QR code.

You will be asked to upload proof of ID (a photo of your passport is sufficient) plus proof of your reason for needing a code - eg your restaurant reservation or proof of employment within the zone.

The code is then sent to you by email.

My code hasn't arrived yet

Don't panic - the codes don't arrive immediately. City authorities need to check each application to ensure that it fits the requirements for a code, security services will then cross-check your name and ID and check that you have not been flagged as a security concern.

These checks are real - several Olympic volunteers were disbarred because they were either on a security watchlist (fiché S) or because they were foreign nationals who had been served with a notice to quit the country (an OQTF, usually given for immigration offences such as overstaying a visa). 

We're not exactly sure how long the process will take - and it will depend on how many people apply - by city authorities say they anticipate that codes will be sent "a few days" before the requested date.

There's likely to be a security angle to this too, they don't want to send the codes out too early as it gives people an opportunity to try and copy or clone them.

Still have questions? Feel free to leave them in the comment box below or email us on [email protected]


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Mary Barone 2024/06/14 17:37
We live in the US and own an apartment in the gray zone where we be staying during the games. Do you know what documentation of ownership is required to get the QR code?
  • Emma Pearson 2024/06/14 17:53
    Hi Mary - utility bills for that address in your name should be fine. Your electricity supplier website usually allows you to download an attestation de domicile that can be used as proof of residency. If you have any issues though you can email us at [email protected]
Joy Anderson 2024/06/04 23:17
Hi, Just heard back from Pass Jeux: "The reason you have given does not allow you to benefit from an access exemption." End of message. Since I definitely qualify for a code, I'm hoping The Local can suggest a strategy that will lead to a positive result--in person or online. Any and all tips appreciated.
  • Emma Pearson 2024/06/05 08:33
    Hi Joy, could you email us explaining your situation in more detail and we'll try to help. [email protected]

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