
Living in France For Members

The one French website you need if you've changed your address

Genevieve Mansfield
Genevieve Mansfield - [email protected]
The one French website you need if you've changed your address
Keys are displayed on property advertisements in an estate agency on December 6, 2017 in Quimper, western France. (Photo by FRED TANNEAU / AFP)

If you recently changed your address in France, then there are lots of organisations that you will need to tell. Luckily, there is one website that helps tackle several of these bodies at once.


If you move house while in France, you will have to go through the process of notifying everyone about your change of address.

However, there is now an online one-stop-shop - JeChangeDeCoordonnees - where you can register the change of address with around a dozen organisations at the same time.

READ MORE: Checklist: What you need to do if you move house in France

If you're already registered in French databases such as the Ameli health portal or the impots.gouv tax website, you can use the online system to change your address, or to change a phone number or email address.


The change will be registered by; energy providers Edf, Engie or ENERCOOP; the tax office; the vehicle registration office if you own a car (French driving licences don't have addresses on, so there is no need to change them); and social security organisations such as CPAM (health), CAF (family benefits) and the France Travail (previously Pôle Emploi, the unemployment office).

You can also have your mail forwarded with La Poste, more info here.

As for private bodies that are not included by the website - such as your employer, bank and home insurance, phone and internet providers - you will need to inform them individually about your address change.

What about residency cards?

One thing it does not cover, however, is a change of address on a carte de séjour, so you will have to do this separately via the préfecture, although the initial request can also be made online.  

READ MORE: Reader question: Do I need to change the address on my carte de séjour if I move house?

If you are moving house but staying within the same département, your address change is handled by the préfecture which issued your card.

If you have moved to a different départment, you will need to contact the préfecture responsible for your new home. Again, the process can be started online. Be aware that additional documentation may be required.

Requests made online will be directed to the préfecture or sub-préfecture of the place of residence for further directions. 

Once you have made the request you do not need to do anything else unless you are contacted with a request for extra documentation.

After the renewal process is complete, and all requested documents verified, a new carte de séjour will be issued.



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