
Macron to host Biden in Paris after D-Day commemoration

AFP - [email protected]
Macron to host Biden in Paris after D-Day commemoration
France's President Emmanuel Macron (3R) greets US President Joe Biden (2L) before the start of the second working session meeting at the G20 Leaders' Summit at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on September 9, 2023. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)

President Emmanuel Macron will next week host Joe Biden for the US leader's first state visit to France after both leaders attend commemorations for the World War II D-Day landings, the Elysee Palace said on Thursday.


Biden's visit on June 8 for talks with Macron in Paris will come after the June 6 ceremony in Normandy marking 80 years since the D-Day landings. In a separate statement, the White House said Biden would be in France from June 5 to June 9.

On June 6, Biden will speak and participate in ceremonies with his wife Jill Biden to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, "which paved the way for the liberation of France and Europe," the White House said in the statement.

"Seventy three thousand brave Americans landed at Utah and Omaha beaches in Normandy on June 6, 1944 and the president will greet American veterans and their family members while in France to honour their sacrifice," the statement added.

On June 7, Biden will give a speech at Pointe du Hoc -- a clifftop promontory whose German bunkers were attacked by US troops in a daring assault during the landings -- "about the importance of defending freedom and democracy", the White House said.

The state visit on June 8 will "reflect the enduring and comprehensive relationship between the United States and France, our oldest ally, founded on shared democratic values, economic ties, and defense and security cooperation."


The two presidents will discuss a wide range of "global challenges" and bilateral issues, Washington said.

Macron's office said for its part that the two presidents would discuss "the unfailing and long-term support" for Ukraine.

About a million people are expected to attend the D-Day commemorations in France, including King Charles III and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


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steve woodhead 2024/05/31 21:40
I think that it's shameful that Russia is not invited. Their losses in the WW2 were more than 20M persons, more than any other country and their courageous stand helped to enable the allies' success in the Normandy landings. And we'll get to see 'Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski' being received as a head of state in the commemorations in France.......

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