
French air traffic controllers call fresh strikes

Emma Pearson
Emma Pearson - [email protected]
French air traffic controllers call fresh strikes
Disruption is likely as French air traffic controllers file a strike notice. Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP

French air traffic controllers have filed a three-day strike notice - the latest action in their ongoing dispute over working conditions.


UPDATE: This strike has been cancelled, according to reporting by Les Echos. See the latest here.

The air traffic controllers' union at Paris' Orly airport has filed a strike notice covering June 11th, 12th and 13th.

The exact level of disruption will depend on how many air traffic controllers heed the UNSA-ICNA union's call, but a strike two weeks ago by the same union saw 70 percent of flights in and out of Orly airport cancelled.

Other French airports were unaffected.


The French civil aviation authority will announce the level of cancellations required 48 hours in advance, and then it is up to airlines to decide which flights to cancel.

Airlines generally try to prioritise long-haul flights, but anyone with a flight booked should check with their airline before travelling to the airport.

The UNSA-ICNA union has denounced planned changes to French air traffic control which they say will adversely affect the working conditions of their members, and are also concerned about what they say is the "second class status" of Paris' smaller Orly airport. 



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