
Latest: French air traffic control unions call off planned strike

Genevieve Mansfield
Genevieve Mansfield - [email protected]
Latest: French air traffic control unions call off planned strike
A passenger walks to departures boards at Orly airport, outside Paris (Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP)

French air traffic controllers have called off a planned strike, saying that their decision is due to "the current political news of the country".


French air traffic controllers at Paris Orly airport, will no longer walk out this week, according to reporting by French business daily Les Echos

The strike could have led to significant cancellations at Orly airport, as workers had been set to strike on June 11th, 12th and 13th, as well as on July 4th and 5th.

However, both strike notices were lifted as of Monday, union sources told Les Echos.

The representative from the UNSA-ICNA union told Les Echos that they did not want to "mix internal issues at the DGAC (Direction générale de l'Aviation civile, or General Directorate of Civil Aviation) with the current political news of the country".

This is a reference to President Macron's unexpected announcement on Sunday night that he would dissolve parliament and call for snap elections, following his party's defeat in the European elections.


The original strike plan only included the UNSA-ICNA union, as the wider union for air traffic controllers (SNCTA), reached an pay agreement with management in April.

It is unclear whether strike actions could resume once the elections are over on July 7th.



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