
French Word of the Day: Triangulaire

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
French Word of the Day: Triangulaire
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

This French term is not just reserved for geometry.


Why do I need to know triangulaire?

Because you will probably see the French press discussing this term ahead of parliamentary elections.

What does it mean?

Une triangulaire - roughly pronounced oon tree ahn goo lair - technically translates as ‘a triangle’ or ‘in the form of a triangle’, but it has a very specific meaning in French politics and notably the 2024 parliamentary elections.

French domestic elections are typically two rounds - the first involves several candidates from multiple parties and the second narrows down the options. 

More often, there are two choices for voters during the second round (a duel), but it is also possible for a triangulaire - or a three-person face-off - to happen, or even a four-person second round (a quadrangulaire).

During the 2024 parliamentary elections, a large number of triangulaires occurred due to high voter turnout, whereas in previous years they have been rarer.


A triangulaire may be disrupted if the third-place candidate opts to drop out. This may happen if there is an alliance between the left, centre and centre-right, in an effort to avoid allowing a far right candidate into office by splitting the vote.

Use it like this

Des triangulaires sont possibles dans 300 circonscriptions, selon les experts. - Three-person legislative battles are possible in 300 constituencies, according to the experts.

L'ancienne première ministre s'est retrouvée en deuxième position dans une triangulaire. - The former prime minister found herself in second place in a three-way legislative battle.



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