
Language and culture For Members

8 reasons a French person might be staring at you

Emma Pearson
Emma Pearson - [email protected]
8 reasons a French person might be staring at you
Staring in France is quite common. Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP

As an incomer in a foreign land it can be disconcerting when the locals stare at you - have you done something wrong, have you done something brilliant, are you about to be arrested? Here are some of the reasons that French people might be staring.



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Stephanie 2024/05/15 18:51
"There's a time and a place for this sort of thing" Thank God.
Anonymous 2020/09/25 20:19
These are all good reasons to stare at someone.People-eatching seems to be a favorite activity in France and as an American, I wish we too would not feel reservations about staring at--or rebuking--people who are loud in bars or have disruptive children . But it's nice to know the French may be staring because they like what they're looking at, too. Friendly, sensuous, and civil. May I pour you some wine?

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