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MAP: Where in France has the highest burglary rates?

The Local France
The Local France - [email protected]
MAP: Where in France has the highest burglary rates?
Photo: AFP

France has released its annual crime statistics which show that although the chance of being burgled has not risen, there is a big variation between different parts of the country.


The figures come from crimes reported to the police and in total 233,100 reports of dwelling burglaries were filed with French police in 2019, according to the latest Insécurite et Délinquance crime report.

Overall the number of burglaries was largely unchanged from 2018, which saw a sharp fall on previous years and confirms a continued downward or stable trend for most types of crime in France.

READ ALSO How to avoid being burgled in France (and what to do if you are)


The effects of the March and April lockdown are not seen in these figures, which reflect only 2019.

Overall the chance of being burgled in France is still fairly small, with 4.9 victims per 1,000 inhabitants, but the figures do show regional variation.

The data is expressed as burglaries per 1,000 dwellings, but even within this there is a clear trend towards the big cities seeing more crime, particularly Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille and Lyon.

France's most sparsely-populated départements - Creuse, Corrèze, Cantal and Lozère - show the lowest rates of burglary.


The map below shows a breakdown by département, but on a regional level the greater Paris region of Île-de-France saw the highest level of burglaries, with 8.7 per 1,000 dwellings.

The safest region for householders is the island of Corsica, which saw just 1.6 burglaries for every 1,000 homes.


The figures also show the nationalities of both victims and people charged with burglary.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of both are French, but in the 'non French European' category you are more likely to be a burglar (11 percent of those charged were European but not French) than a victim of burglary - five percent of victims were European against a total population of three percent.

Reports of dwelling burglaries peaked in France in 2013 and again in 2017 but have since fallen.

For the full crime data report, click here.




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